The Young Living/DoTerra Report is a 45+ page report comparing the detailed history of the two top leading essential oil companies Young Living and DoTerra, including information on their testing and quality standards. A brief overview of Native American Nutritionals, a third leading essential oils company is also included, as well as reference to some others.
This is not an official document but simply an attempt I have made to gather in one place facts and information regarding the Young Living and DoTerra companies, as well as some information concerning other companies, in response to many requests. In this extensive report, I have made every effort to be accurate and objective and to comply with fair use, however it still reflects my own opinions and viewpoints and is intended for informational and educational purposes only
Many people have requested copies of this report to share on their sites. A new updated version 7 of this report is almost ready. In the meantime, I am removing the link to the current version.
My deepest apologies to Marge Clark for quoting what seemed to be fair use of her brief but excellent explanation of the rectification process posted on the Learning About EOs site which was posted there as her official statement in response to the third party test results paid for and posted there by the Learning About EOs group. Per Marge's request, all reference to Nature's Gift will henceforth be removed from the Young Living/DoTerra Report and future editions.
All sites hosting earlier copies of this report are requested to also respect Ms. Clark's wishes and take it down, and await the corrected version 7 which I will post here soon, as Ms. Clark believes this use infringes on her copyright. Again, my apologies to Ms. Clark, and to others for the misunderstanding and any inconvenience it may cause to remove older copies. Thank you!